Night Trap on Newgrounds

Night Trap: In this interactive movie, you control all the cameras and traps. It is your job to protect Taco-Man and the girls from whatever evil is lurking within the house. Can you catch all the bad guys and solve the case? The movie features multiple endings and plays in real time.
Woot! I dont know how it happened, but I got the Daily Feature Award for the 25th! Also, the scoring is rising! I've never seen that before!
Reviewed by: ultimatechakra
Overall Score: 10
Very Fun!! Very Funny!!! Very AWSOME!!! THIS GAME ROCKS!!!
Argueably, the best game on Newgrounds
Reviewed by: Grammer
Overall Score: 10
Oh yes, I loved it. This is a concept for a game which I have never seen before, it was definitely unique and and interactive. I really do hope this makes the Top50 scored in the portal.
This is me..
Reviewed by: JesterNightbreed
Overall Score: 10
Giving you the respect you so obviously deserve. Believe it or not, for the first time in a long time, I couldn't get enough of taco man. If you make more I'll be your personal hitman for a day. :D
Reviewed by: rudiger2
Overall Score: 10
usually on reviews people vote ten all round because they are lazy, there will be a movie without a play button given a ten on interactivity or a silent movie given a ten on sound but when this game gets a ten in each box thats because it genuinly does have it all it is funny, has amazing graphics, it's stylish, the sound is very professional and it is also violent Looking forward to see more games from SamT
the best halloween movie on NG
Praise be to
Sam T
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