Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ebolaworld 2.0!

Ebolaworld is getting a make-over!!!

Click for a larger image. Check back often for updates!

The new website will be cleaner and more organized and allow you to scroll through all the latest videos (on top). The left corner will display every Series. The latest Blog and Twitter postings will be viewable from the main page. However, the biggest improvement will be the inclusion of YOU! You'll be able to maintain your own user page, add favorites, chat with others, leave comments, upload your own content, and more! Also, I'm rolling out a new revolutionary way of setting up an account. I hate doing that!

What new features or content would you like to see included in the new site? Speak now or for ever shut your mouth!

Sadly, the new site is going to be expensive, so if you would like to help chip in, please donate using the box on the side.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Taco-Man Plays Putt-Putt (3DO)

I love a parade and apparently so does Putt-Putt!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Last Dubya-Doo!


Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Also! Don't forget to order your copy of the Complete Series (New and Old) today!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The New Dubya-Doo Movies DVD

Bush and the gang may be gone, but you can still remember them forever with this complete DVD collection of all the new (and old) episodes featuring everyone's favorite President!

The DVD will include all the new episodes streamed together for a solid 33 minutes (no opening and ending credits repeated), all the original George Bush Show cartoons, bonus cartoons, deleted scenes, and new commentary. So what are you waiting for?!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Call Bush!

I know everyone is sad that Dubya is leaving office next week, but now you can call him and let him know exactly what you think!

If you have a funny conversation and/or leave a good message, it may end up in the LAST episode of Dubya-Doo (Coming Jan 19th)!

Call 505-903-6881 and talk to Dubya!

Long distance charge may apply, but most people have cell phones with free long distance. So... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!

Want More?!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

HAPPY 2009! It's going to be a great year! At the moment, I am currently working on the last Dubya-Doo episode. I hope to have it ready by Jan 19th, so wish me luck. Bush is leaving (we think) on the 20th. Isn't that a great thought?? Another great thought - Palin isn't moving in. :)

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