Friday, September 30, 2005

With God on Our Side… (Required Viewing)

Created in 2004, this documentary honestly shows how the religious leaders in the country are trying to take control of the government through any means possible. Ironically, the movie seems to be very pro-Bush, but I found a lot of the things said to be damning. For example, they admit to using scare tactics, taking down Clinton with a sex scandal, being against rights for women (and anyone who isn't like them), and how with God on their side they can never do wrong. The latter is a scary thought.

All I can say is WATCH THIS MOVIE and you’ll get a better understanding of what is going on. You’ll also learn what our forefathers always knew: Politics and Religion don’t mix.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Monday, September 26, 2005

Ebolaworld News

Work begins this week on the Halloween Special III. The cartoon will be a new experience for the viewers as they will be able to control the cameras, interact with characters, and affect the outcome. The plot is a spoof on the old Sega CD game entitled “Night Trap”. If all goes well, similar interaction may be implemented into future cartoons. More info later!

Sam T

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hurricane Rita: Day Three

It's F'ing finally over!!

God had his chance to take me out, but looks liked he failed. Perhaps he’s an Ebolaworld fan. But seriously, the hurricane past far east of College Station and I didn’t see nary a drop of rain. That sucks because my grass needs water.

Sam T

Friday, September 23, 2005

Hurricane Rita: Day Two

Well, it looks like I’m not going to get the brunt of the storm after all. However, the winds have already started blowing here and will probably worsen overnight.

Rita updates and images:

Wish me luck!

Sam T

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hurricane Rita: Day One

As predicted, my flight to Modesto California was cancelled. I’m disappointed that I’ll miss seeing two of my cartoons playing on the big screen with a large audience. Not to mention, making contacts and talking to DVD distributors. Oh well, there’s always next time. Anyway, I’m staying home in College Station (One of the cities Houstonians are fleeing to) and preparing for what is coming my way. Wish me luck! Sam T

Monday, September 19, 2005

Ask Taco-Man: Oh Lord

For some odd reason, Christians are trying to make prayer mandatory in schools forgetting their children can already pray anytime during the school day if they wanted. However, this isn’t good enough. Taco-Man discusses prayer in school in the latest episode of Ask Taco-Man.

Submit a Question to Taco-Man
Got a burning question only Taco-Man can answer? Go ahead and ask.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Next cartoon coming October 24th

After Ask Taco-Man on September 19th, the next cartoon won’t be till October 24th. During this time I’ll be visiting Modesto, California and attending the Shockerfest Film festival. I’ll also be working on the new Halloween episode which will be a very interactive experience for you the viewer, as what you do during the cartoon can actually affect the outcome.

That’s all for now!

Sam T

Friday, September 16, 2005

Nintendo Rev Controller

Nintendo (finally) revealed the controller for their next gen system and it looks mighty… um… revolutionary. I think my arms would get tired of holding a remote though. However, if the Rev is anything like the past few Nintendo systems, their won't be any games to make my arms tired from playing.

A demo video for the controller:
Looks like quite the workout!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Smokey on Newgrounds

Just when you thought it was safe to smoke...

Smokey's on Newgrounds!

Go vote, smoke, and be merry.

Sam T

Update: Smokey Gets Busted is on the frontpage!

Bush admits failure over Hurrican Katrina

Will those who reviewed my recent News Flash cartoon on Newgrounds eat their words now that Bush has claimed responsibility for the delayed response to our country’s worst natural disaster? Or will they write Bush angry letters thinking he’s saying he created the hurricane. Anyway, I applaud my President for finally taking responsibility. This is a step in the right direction and hopefully a trend that'll continue. The Mayor and Governor should follow his lead and take responsibility and begin learning from their mistakes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Ever want to chat it up with the Big Guy in the Sky? Here's your chance!

God is kooky sometimes.

-Sam T

Monday, September 12, 2005

Happy Pappy Commentary

This week Grandpa (aka Henry) and Chomper team up to commemorate... I mean commentate on the cartoon “Grandpa: Happy Pappy”. Also included are some nice high quality desktop images for your puter! Enjoy!

Sam T

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Happy Terrorist Day!

To celebrate our governments second biggest failure, Ebolaworld presents “The September 11th Music Video” featuring President George W. Bush.

Listen Now!

To see the music video for this song, purchase The George Bush Show: First Term DVD at a new lower price. The Music Video is only available on DVD!

-Sam T

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Brown out at FEMA

"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job," President Bush told appointee Michael Brown on Sept. 2 during a tour of the crippled region.

But with many members of Congress calling for Brown to be fired, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on Friday appointed Coast Guard Vice Adm. Thad Allen to replace Brown as the principal federal official overseeing the government response in the affected states. Chertoff said it was his decision to move Brown back to agency headquarters, where he will monitor Hurricane Ophelia, among other duties.

"I have directed Mike Brown to return to administering FEMA nationally," Chertoff said at a news conference in Baton Rouge, La. "Mike Brown has done everything he possibly could to coordinate" the federal role.

But the change also came after Time magazine and Newsday raised questions about whether Brown padded his résumé — a claim the FEMA chief has denied.

Read More:

How long before he gets a medal?
- Sam T

Friday, September 09, 2005

MSNBC grew some balls!

Holy crap!

Sam T

(Thanks to Largo LeGrande for this link. Sadly, I've already forgotten where you live and you age.)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

News Flash 4 on Newgrounds

News Flash: Hurricane Katrina is on Newgrounds! So go and vote your heart out!

UPDATE: It's on the front page!! So go write a review and vote everyday!

Sam T

Monday, September 05, 2005

News Flash: Hurricane Katrina

If you haven’t heard, a hurricane named Katrina destroyed New Orleans. In the latest News Flash, Taco-Man discusses the disaster, President Bush’s reaction, and gets answers from a Hurricane expert. Praise Jesus. Amen.

Sam T

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Join me at ShockerFest

Snowy and Cat and Fish have been nominated for best Animation at the ShockerFest 2005 Film Festival in Modesto California and will be screened at the Brenden Theaters (which features all stadium seating with wall to wall curved screens and THX sound). I’ll be attending on Saturday and Sunday (Sept 24-25). My cartoons will be playing Sunday sometime after noon. (See Schedule)

If you would like to meet at the festival (you'll need tickets) or in Modesto, contact me so we can set up arrangements.

UPDATE: Due to Hurricane Rita, I am unable to attend the film festival because my flight was cancelled. However, my films will still be shown.

That’s all for now!
Sam T

Friday, September 02, 2005

Amerikans is stoopid

Yes, it's true. Americans are stupid. 1 in 5 people think the sun revolves around the earth. No wonder Bush won his re-election and the atkins diet was so popular.

August 30, 2005

Scientific Savvy? In U.S., Not Much


CHICAGO - When Jon D. Miller looks out across America, which he can almost do from his 18th-floor office at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, he sees a landscape of haves and have-nots - in terms not of money, but of knowledge.

Dr. Miller, 63, a political scientist who directs the Center for Biomedical Communications at the medical school, studies how much Americans know about science and what they think about it. His findings are not encouraging.

While scientific literacy has doubled over the past two decades, only 20 to 25 percent of Americans are "scientifically savvy and alert," he said in an interview. Most of the rest "don't have a clue." At a time when science permeates debates on everything from global warming to stem cell research, he said, people's inability to understand basic scientific concepts undermines their ability to take part in the democratic process.

Over the last three decades, Dr. Miller has regularly surveyed his fellow citizens for clients as diverse as the National Science Foundation, European government agencies and the Lance Armstrong Foundation. People who track Americans' attitudes toward science routinely cite his deep knowledge and long track record.

"I think we should pay attention to him," said Eugenie Scott, director of the National Center for Science Education, who cites Dr. Miller's work in her efforts to advance the cause of evolution in the classroom. "We ignore public understanding of science at our peril."
Rolf F. Lehming, who directs the science foundation's surveys on understanding of science, calls him "absolutely authoritative."

Dr. Miller's data reveal some yawning gaps in basic knowledge. American adults in general do not understand what molecules are (other than that they are really small). Fewer than a third can identify DNA as a key to heredity. Only about 10 percent know what radiation is. One adult American in five thinks the Sun revolves around the Earth, an idea science had abandoned by the 17th century.

At one time, this kind of ignorance may not have meant much for the nation's public life. Dr. Miller, who has delved into 18th-century records of New England town meetings, said that back then, it was enough "if you knew where the bridge should be built, if you knew where the fence should be built."

"Even if you could not read and write, and most New England residents could not read or write," he went on, "you could still be a pretty effective citizen."

No more. "Acid rain, nuclear power, infectious diseases - the world is a little different," he said.
It was the nuclear power issue that first got him interested in public knowledge of science, when he was a graduate student in the 1960's. "The issue then was nuclear power," he said. "I used to play tennis with some engineers who were very pro-nuclear, and I was dating a person who was very anti-nuclear. I started doing some reading and discovered that if you don't know a little science it was hard to follow these debates. A lot of journalism would not make sense to you."
Devising good tests to measure scientific knowledge is not simple. Questions about values and attitudes can be asked again and again over the years because they will be understood the same way by everyone who hears them; for example, Dr. Miller's surveys regularly ask people whether they agree that science and technology make life change too fast (for years, about half of Americans have answered yes) or whether Americans depend too much on science and not enough on faith (ditto).

But assessing actual knowledge, over time, "is something of an art," he said. He varies his questions, as topics come and go in the news, but devises the surveys so overall results can be compared from survey to survey, just as SAT scores can be compared even though questions on the test change.

For example, he said, in the era of nuclear tests he asked people whether they knew about strontium 90, a component of fallout. Today, he asks about topics like the workings of DNA in the cell because "if you don't know what a cell is, you can't make sense of stem cell research."
Dr. Miller, who was raised in Portsmouth, Ohio, when it was a dying steel town, attributes much of the nation's collective scientific ignorance to poor education, particularly in high schools. Many colleges require every student to take some science, but most Americans do not graduate from college. And science education in high school can be spotty, he said.

"Our best university graduates are world-class by any definition," he said. "But the second half of our high school population - it's an embarrassment. We have left behind a lot of people."
He had firsthand experience with local school issues in the 1980's, when he was a young father living in DeKalb, Ill., and teaching at Northern Illinois University. The local school board was considering closing his children's school, and he attended some board meetings to get an idea of members' reasoning. It turned out they were spending far more time on issues like the cost of football tickets than they were on the budget and other classroom matters. "It was shocking," he said.

So he and some like-minded people ran successfully for the board and, once in office, tried to raise taxes to provide more money for the classroom. They initiated three referendums; all failed. Eventually, he gave up, and his family moved away.

"This country cannot finance good school systems on property taxes," he said. "We don't get the best people for teaching because we pay so little. For people in the sciences particularly, if you have some skill, the job market is so good that teaching is not competitive."

Dr. Miller was recruited to Northwestern Medical School in 1999 by administrators who knew of his work and wanted him to study attitudes and knowledge of science in light of the huge changes expected from the genomic revolution.

He also has financing - and wears a yellow plastic bracelet - from the Lance Armstrong Foundation, for a project to research people's knowledge of clinical trials. Many research organizations want to know what encourages people to participate in a trial and what discourages them. But Dr. Miller said, "It's more interesting to ask if they know what a clinical trial is, do they know what a placebo is."

The National Science Foundation is recasting its survey operations, so Dr. Miller is continuing surveys for other clients. One involves following people over time, tracing their knowledge and beliefs about science from childhood to adulthood, to track the way advantages and disadvantages in education are compounded over time and to test his theory that people don't wait until they are adults to start forming opinions about the world.

Lately, people who advocate the teaching of evolution have been citing Dr. Miller's ideas on what factors are correlated with adherence to creationism and rejection of Darwinian theories. In general, he says, these fundamentalist views are most common among people who are not well educated and who "work in jobs that are evaporating fast with competition around the world."
But not everyone is happy when he says things like that. Every time he goes on the radio to talk about his findings, he said, "I get people sending me cards saying they will pray for me a lot."