Sunday, October 08, 2006

James Dobson blames the Pages

Dobson, the man of God has this to say about the continuing Mark Foley Page Sex Scandal (I know the media has reduced it to the Email Investigation, but I haven't):

DOBSON: As it turns out, Mr. Foley has had illicit sex with no one that we know of, and the whole thing turned out to be what some people are now saying was a - sort of a joke by the boy and some of the other pages... By midafternoon yesterday, a rumor emerged that in fact Mark Foley had been pranked by the House pages. It is the first plausible thing I've heard in seven days...

Okay, I don't care if Mr. Dobson wants believe it was all a prank poor ol' Mark Foley fell victim to, but if he is saying that makes the guy now innocent of any wrong doing, then it is time to release all those men that Dateline NBC has caught on their program "To Catch a Predator". Those guys weren't even really talking to underage kids; they just thought they were. So I guess that makes them even more inncoent as Mr. Foley was talking to real young boys; prank or not.

"Focus on the Family" response to my email:

Thanks for contacting our ministry, Sam.

In response to the concerns you’ve expressed, we’d like to clarify that Dr. Dobson has never suggested that the reports of former Congressman Mark Foley’s sexual indiscretions were merely a “joke” perpetrated by congressional pages. That idea seems to have originated either with Michael Savage’s radio program, Savage Nation, or Matt Drudge’s Web site, the Drudge Report, and was then picked up by other media outlets. Dr. Dobson was simply referencing this news story to demonstrate the spectrum of response to the Foley situation when he said (on our October 6, 2006 broadcast) that “the whole thing has turned out to be what some people are now saying was a sort of a joke …” As far as he is concerned, sexual communications and innuendoes between elected officials and their junior aides are anything but a “joke,” and we would question the motives of those who have sought to misrepresent his perspective at the expense of truthfulness.

While we’re on the subject, we’d like to reinforce that Dr. Dobson has expressed his thoughts on this matter in no uncertain terms in several different contexts. On the October 6 edition of Focus on the Family, “Update on the Foley Incident,” he categorically condemned the former Congressman’s behavior as “inexcusable, reprehensible, and morally depraved.” On our October 11 program he characterized Foley’s actions as “flatly immoral” and said that “it was appropriate that he resign.” You’ll find similar sentiments articulated in Mr. Tom Minnery’s Media Statement, “Outrage Over Foley Case Justified” (October 3, 2006 – accessible on our Web site at and in the article “Dr. Dobson Responds to Liberal Attacks Over Foley Situation” (

Before closing, we also want to reiterate our concerns about the inappropriate ways in which this scandal is being used to hurt and discredit groups (for example, evangelical Christians) and individuals (such as Dr. Dobson) who had nothing to do with it. The vitriol, peppered with charges of “hypocrisy’ and “cover up,” is misguided and unfounded and smacks of opportunistic political posturing. Regardless of party affiliation, those who desire to promote truth and integrity in every area of public life should be chagrined by such antics. It would be extremely unfortunate if the fallout from this incident became a vehicle to discourage values voters from going to the polls and unjustly impugn the character of reputable political figures.

Thanks again for taking the time to write. Grace and peace to you.

Stephen Carson
Focus on the Family

My Reply:


I appreciate you taking the time to reply to my email.

If you believe Mr. Dobson never suggested reports about the Foley sex scandal were a “joke”, then you need to read Mr. Dobson’s exact quote again: (The important parts are in bold).

DOBSON: We condemn the Foley affair categorically, and we also believe that what Mr. Clinton did was one of the most embarrassing and wicked things ever done by a president in power. Let me remind you, sir, that it was not just James Dobson who found the Lewinsky affair reprehensible. More than 140 newspapers called for Clinton's resignation. But the president didn't do what Mr. Foley has done in leaving. He stayed in office, and he lied to the grand jury to obscure the facts. As it turns out, Mr. Foley has had illicit sex with no one that we know of, and the whole thing turned out to be what some people are now saying was a -- sort of a joke by the boy and some of the other pages.

And then added: "It is the first plausible thing I've heard in seven days."

The last little bit is the proof that he believes the reports (or either WANTS to believe them).

We all understand that what Mark Foley did was reprehensible, but where is Mr. Dobson’s outrage over the alleged cover-up? Why does he continue to ignore any news on this subject? You know very well had Mr. Foley been a Democrat, and reports claimed other Democrats covered for him, Mr. Dobson would have never said the things in bold above. In fact, he would have probably damned the entire Democratic Party as a result.

Lastly, of course Mr. Dobson had nothing to do with the scandal and no one is trying to connect him to it. However, they are critiquing the words of a man who runs an organization called “Focus on the Family” that has now seemingly let people off the hook based on their Party affiliation. My only hope is that your base does get out and vote and they vote Democrat. The smartest thing we can do as Americans is to keep the Government balanced, as time has sadly shown that giving the Republicans full control has proven detrimental to our country.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. - Benjamin Franklin

Heed his words my friend.

Thank you for your time,

Sam T