Friday, September 29, 2006

New Bush Show - UPDATE!

If all goes well, the new cartoon will be released on October 2nd (My Birthday - hint, hint, wink, wink). When creating the new series, it was pretty obvious all of the characters needed a major overhaul. Also, the series needed to be restructured to match the administration currently. I originally wanted to give the characters a cartoonier look (see below). I didn’t like it very much, so I reverted back to the old style and tried to make dubya look more like… the real dubya (See below)! I played around with it, but I couldn’t get used to him looking like anything but what he looked in the old series. So in the end I basically kept the same design and just updated his graphics (See below). Ta-da!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Daily Show on the Clinton Interview

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Bush "Responds" To Clinton's Accusations

Sam T

Bush: Iraq is just a "comma" in history

CNN's Jack Cafferty excoriates Bush for reducing the sacrifices of American soldiers to just a "comma"


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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Clinton Interview on Fox News Sunday


Daaaaaaaamn! Watch Wallace get a smack down!

Good Article on the story!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Clinton: 'They rediscover Osama every two years right before the election"

Bill Clinton, in an interview on Bloomberg Television, about the Republican strategy for the midterm elections said:"They rediscover bin Laden every two years right before the election. If you had a business strategy that worked all the time that was premised on scaring the living daylights out of people, you just keep doing it"

Aint it the truth?

read more | digg story

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

New Bush Show

I can’t keep it a secret anymore, but for the past 3 weeks I've been working hard on the highly anticipated new Bush Show. The series will have newly designed characters and be a bit different from the previous one. Just think of it as an improvement. If all goes well I'm planning for a release date of October 2nd (My birthday) or October 9th for the first episode; just in time for the mid-term elections. Over the next week or so, I will be releasing images from the new episode which is going to clock in at around 8 minutes. Gulp!

Sam T

Monday, September 18, 2006

Senate Vote Will Pardon President Bush

"This week, the Senate is planning to quietly hold a vote that would pardon President Bush for breaking the law by illegally wiretapping innocent Americans without warrants. According to Senator Leahy, the bill would '...immunize officials who have violated federal law by authorizing such illegal activities.'" That's from a petition.

read more | digg story

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Before Ebolaworld: Bad Teeth (1998)

Made while attending the Art Institute of Houston in 1998, the assignment was to create a 2-D frame by frame animated commercial.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Before Ebolaworld: Dinky (1998)

My first full 3-D animated cartoon created in 1998 while attending the Art Institute of Houston.

The storyline is simple: Dinky (a dog) is hungry. Please forgive me. I was young and stupid.

Sam T

To the stalkers: Don’t bother sending mail or calling that number at the beginning as it is no longer related to me.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Before Ebolaworld: The Nightmare (1998)

In 1998, while attending the Art Institute of Houston, I created this horror animation titled “The Nightmare” using Painter, Photoshop and Premiere. I’m not sure if Flash could have produced something like this back then, but I wasn’t familiar with the program anyway.

To date, this is the only animation I’ve ever made that wasn’t (supposed to be) comedy related.

Sam T

PS- Don’t bother sending mail or calling that number at the beginning as it is no longer related to me.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Before Ebolaworld: The Good Life (2000)

As I begin work on a new series (further details later) and a more organized, updated look for the site I thought I might reflect back on my humble beginnings. While going through some old backup CDs the other day, I ran across some really old flash animations that I made in 2000. I plan to create an archive page for all these old cartoons (and cartoons that are no longer online), but for now I will share them with you my faithful blog readers.

Bunny’s “The Good Life” series was actually one of my first flash cartoons. Sadly, like most cartoons I worked on during this time, the episode was never finished. (Maybe that isn’t really a bad thing.)


Sam T

Friday, September 01, 2006

Guess Who's Back!

Hello Ebolaworld fans,

I thought I would drop a blog to let you know I’m still alive (sorry) and have successfully moved into my new home and love it… so far. The internet here kinda sucks though (tubes must be clogged). Anyway, I’ve already began work on my next cartoon. I’ll give you a hint: It’s a “new” series, and it’s not the second part of the bible episode. Shit, I’ve said too much. Discuss.

Sam T