Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Cartoon Coming Soon!


I've been feeling quite creative lately and without giving too much away, I'd like to share with you what I'm working on...

1. I'm developing a Newgrounds-related series (See image above) using a unique drawing/animation style (Trying to create something different). I've made fun of religion, politics, and Taco's and now want to take on Newgrounds. Kinda like a 'biting the hand that feeds you' type thing. Not that Newgrounds feeds me. NOMNOMNOM :P

2. I've decided to start making Youtube videos featuring myself. That's right! Sam T is going viral... Whatever that means. I won't say what I'll be doing just yet as I don't want anyone to steal my idea, but I think it's unique (hopefully).

3. Taco-Man has been playing a lot of retro games lately such as Tomb Raider 1, Metal Gear Solid, and Silent Hill to name a few. So expect some epic new episodes of 'Taco-Man Plays a Video Game' soon. The theme-song will also have a new twist thanks to the great Daniel ML.

4. Speaking of Taco-Man and video games. I've written the next episode of 'The Game Master' and hope to start work on it after the Newgrounds thingy.

That is all. Go fly a kite.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Required Viewing

EVERYONE should watch this!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gobekli Tepe

The Gobekli Tepe are some of the oldest structures made by man ever discovered.

"Compared with Stonehenge, they are humble affairs. None of the circles excavated (four out of an estimated 20) are more than 30 metres across. T-shaped pillars like the rest, two five-metre stones tower at least a metre above their peers. What makes them remarkable are their carved reliefs of boars, foxes, lions, birds, snakes and scorpions, and their age. Dated at around 9,500BC, these stones are 5,500 years older than the first cities of Mesopotamia, and 7,000 years older than Stonehenge."


I thought this was thought provoking. This dig started in 1994 and this is the first I heard of it. Another solid piece of evidence in the face of "young earth creationism" which believes the entire universe is from 6,000 to 10,000 years old.

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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Say Hello to Daniel ML

Daniel ML is a singer/music composer and has been making songs on Ebolaworld for many years, and is now a guest blogger. It all started in 2006 when Daniel replied to a blog request for a music composer which resulted in him creating all the music for The New Dubya-Doo Movies. Later, he helped Taco-Man sing 'Scandals', made songs for the Awards Show (one that hasn't even been heard yet and will only be available on DVD), and recently created the awesome theme song (and several variations) for Taco-Man Plays a Video Game.

In that past year, I've received requests for an Ebolaworld CD containing all the songs made for the website. What do you guys think? Does this sound interesting to you? Let us know!

You can also check him out (and subscribe) to Daniel on Youtube!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Messed-Up Bible Stories 5: Tower of Babel

God overreacts when the humans build a tower.

Help this cartoon be in the Best of All Time on NG! Vote 5 Stars Now!
Update: The cartoon is now currently #26 on NG! Thanks guys!