It's an Ebolaworld Christmas!
We've had a great year, huh?
Newgrounds got owned by the hit series 'Life in the Portal'. Taco-Man reviewed more games, was a lawyer for Pac-Man, and answered your emails. The Bible got more messed up with two new episodes, and the re-release of all the previous episodes in glorious wide-screen HD. More twists and turns come your way this Christmas Eve in the next installment of Snowy.
Speaking of Christmas... as you can see above, Sam T has given you soooo much this year, so perhaps you'd like to return the favor!? If you're feeling generous, why not check out his Wish List over at Amazon?
Don't want to buy him a gift? Not a problem! Ebolaworld gladly accepts donations too!
Don't have any money? Send Sam fan mail! Subscribe to Ebolaworld on Youtube! Follow on Twitter! Tell a friend about our website!
Happy Holidays and Happy 2010!
Sam T
Newgrounds got owned by the hit series 'Life in the Portal'. Taco-Man reviewed more games, was a lawyer for Pac-Man, and answered your emails. The Bible got more messed up with two new episodes, and the re-release of all the previous episodes in glorious wide-screen HD. More twists and turns come your way this Christmas Eve in the next installment of Snowy.
Speaking of Christmas... as you can see above, Sam T has given you soooo much this year, so perhaps you'd like to return the favor!? If you're feeling generous, why not check out his Wish List over at Amazon?
Don't want to buy him a gift? Not a problem! Ebolaworld gladly accepts donations too!
Don't have any money? Send Sam fan mail! Subscribe to Ebolaworld on Youtube! Follow on Twitter! Tell a friend about our website!
Happy Holidays and Happy 2010!
Sam T
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