New Cartoon Coming Soon!

I've been feeling quite creative lately and without giving too much away, I'd like to share with you what I'm working on...
1. I'm developing a Newgrounds-related series (See image above) using a unique drawing/animation style (Trying to create something different). I've made fun of religion, politics, and Taco's and now want to take on Newgrounds. Kinda like a 'biting the hand that feeds you' type thing. Not that Newgrounds feeds me. NOMNOMNOM :P
2. I've decided to start making Youtube videos featuring myself. That's right! Sam T is going viral... Whatever that means. I won't say what I'll be doing just yet as I don't want anyone to steal my idea, but I think it's unique (hopefully).
3. Taco-Man has been playing a lot of retro games lately such as Tomb Raider 1, Metal Gear Solid, and Silent Hill to name a few. So expect some epic new episodes of 'Taco-Man Plays a Video Game' soon. The theme-song will also have a new twist thanks to the great Daniel ML.
4. Speaking of Taco-Man and video games. I've written the next episode of 'The Game Master' and hope to start work on it after the Newgrounds thingy.
That is all. Go fly a kite.
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