Thursday, July 17, 2008

Call Taco-Man!

Updated...Look below matey.

Are you lonely? Feeling depressed? Want to hear your future? Then, CALL TACO-MAN!

If Taco-Man is unavailable, leave him a voice message and try again later! Taco-Man is more likely to answer your calls during the daytime. So keep trying! The best conversations and voice messages will be posted on the blog and/or end up in future cartoons.

Long distance charge may apply, but most people have cell phones with free long distance. So... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!

Call 505-903-6881 and talk with Taco-Man!

I Don't Want To Know What's Going On Here...

I Wanna Be A Taco-Man!

Most delicious taco ever?

Weird Banana Thingy

Why Ask Why?

Are you a Computer?

Crazy person?

A Stoner Leaves A Message