January in Ebolaworld
With a new year comes a new feeling of freshness and excitement... blah, blah, blah. Once again, I have big plans, and I thought I would share them with you. (My biggest weakness is being too ambitious)
First off, next Monday (14th) the “2007 In Review” will be released. The new cartoon will be hosted by God (Not sure how I talk him into these things), and he’ll countdown the Top 12 Dumbasses of 2007.
After that, you (yes, you) get to vote for the best and worst Ebolaworld series, episodes, and characters of 2007. Soon after, The Awards Show will begin showing all the winners and losers with chaos most likely ensuing. The Looooooong awaited DVD will immediately follow the last episode. It will feature all three Awards Shows (2004 – 2008), commentary, and lots of extras.
Aside from the many new cartoons that’ll be released during the year (The O’reilly Factor, Election coverage, News Flash, New Dubya-Doo Movies, Bible Stories: Noah’s Ark, Snowy V, and more), I plan to also begin work on Ebolaworld: The Movie! The movie will be feature length (over 90 mins) and star (almost) every Ebolaworld character ever created. Expect it sometime in late 2009 on DVD and Blu-Ray (am going high-tech on yo ass).
Please forgive me for mentioning the new movie so early, but I was eager to share the news. I’ll continue to release new details as they emerge. In the meantime, please let me know which characters and events you would like to see take place during the upcoming Awards Show cartoon.
Sam T
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