Lives Wasted In Iraq

A few weeks ago, Democrat Presidential hopeful Obama said that the lives of
This week, Republican Presidential hopeful John McCain said lives had been "wasted" in the four-year-old conflict. Will Fox News run show after show after show after show repeating the comments by McCain, tearing him a new one as they did Obama? Doubtful. They will probably only discuss the comments long enough to make excuses.
I'm intersted in seeing how this plays out, as it will be a true test to see just how “biased” the news media really is (and who’s bias they’re selling).
Day One: So far, no apology by McCain (just a written statement). Democrats demand apology (much like Republicans did of Obama). Obama defends McCains comments. Print media omits "lives wasted" comments.
Day Two: The story gets a small mention on Fox News, and Brit Hume makes excuses for the comments.
Why are the same people that were harping on Obama giving McCain a free pass? Obama apologized in person the very next day, while McCain has only released a press statement. If there was such a thing as the "liberal media" this story would still be big news. Hell, Fox News was still reporting on Obama's slip up when this story happened. Wow! It only took less than two days to prove the media isn't left wing biased. Quite the opposite.
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