Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Fan Art

I thought I would start posting fan art I find on the internets using the google.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Coming Soon!

In just a few weeks, the story of Adam and Eve is coming for the “Unbelievably Messed-Up Bible Stories” series. Picking up where the first episode left off, God creates a companion for Adam. Unfortunately, he learns quickly that women are nothing but trouble.

Warning: The preceding image contains nudity.

But wait, that’s not all! After that, expect a brand new episode of Grandpa, followed by the return of Bunny Bunny in his very own, new series “The Good Life”!

Sam T

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bill Maher: Our Sacrifice

Bill Maher makes an excellent point (last part of the video) about what Americans HAVE sacrificed for the "War on Terror".

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mark Your Calendars!


Congress has a simple plan for troops withdrawl in Iraq. So mark several of your calendars.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Ann Coulter Reality Show

It gets funnier toward the end. Thanks goes to the1BostonGirl for the link.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

How To Handle A Police Encounter

I came across this on YouTube today, and I thought I would share it with everything. You never know, these tips may come in handy one day!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Bart Simpson Says It All

This was from a new episode of "The Simpsons" last Sunday. :)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Programmer Needed

Ebolaworld is currently looking for a web/flash programmer for a paying job. If you are interested send an email to sam@ebolaworld.com. Please include any examples of your work and/or resume along with a brief description of yourself (age, location, ect). Living in the Albuquerque area would be nice! :)

Sam T

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ebolaworld BETA

The new site layout is finally here!!!

I’ve realized for a while that the old design was a bit disorganized and confusing to users, so I’ve spent countless hours trying to make the website more accessible. However, my work’s not done yet! I have many more ideas I’d like to implement, plus I want to hear your suggestions and comments. Please feel free to send me an email at sam@ebolaworld.com.

I slapped the word ‘beta’ on the entrance page due to the fact that the site isn’t complete, and they're still some parts that aren’t working. So, also send me an email if you run into any trouble.

Enjoy the new site!

Sam T

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Lives Wasted In Iraq

As I was telling a friend the other day, Republicans need to be careful about attacking Democrats who accidentally say dumb things (or vice-versa), as it might come back to bite them in the ass . Well sir, it looks as if it's already happening.

A few weeks ago, Democrat Presidential hopeful Obama said that the lives of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq were "wasted”, and the news media quickly filled the airwaves with the comment (Fox News having the most coverage of course). Obama promptly apologized for his remarks, but that didn’t stop them from continuing their scrutiny ad nauseam.

This week, Republican Presidential hopeful John McCain said lives had been "wasted" in the four-year-old conflict. Will Fox News run show after show after show after show repeating the comments by McCain, tearing him a new one as they did Obama? Doubtful. They will probably only discuss the comments long enough to make excuses.

I'm intersted in seeing how this plays out, as it will be a true test to see just how “biased” the news media really is (and who’s bias they’re selling).


Day One: So far, no apology by McCain (just a written statement). Democrats demand apology (much like Republicans did of Obama). Obama defends McCains comments. Print media omits "lives wasted" comments.

Day Two: The story gets a small mention on Fox News, and Brit Hume makes excuses for the comments.

Why are the same people that were harping on Obama giving McCain a free pass? Obama apologized in person the very next day, while McCain has only released a press statement. If there was such a thing as the "liberal media" this story would still be big news. Hell, Fox News was still reporting on Obama's slip up when this story happened. Wow! It only took less than two days to prove the media isn't left wing biased. Quite the opposite.