Before Ebolaworld: The Good Life (2000)
As I begin work on a new series (further details later) and a more organized, updated look for the site I thought I might reflect back on my humble beginnings. While going through some old backup CDs the other day, I ran across some really old flash animations that I made in 2000. I plan to create an archive page for all these old cartoons (and cartoons that are no longer online), but for now I will share them with you my faithful blog readers.
Bunny’s “The Good Life” series was actually one of my first flash cartoons. Sadly, like most cartoons I worked on during this time, the episode was never finished. (Maybe that isn’t really a bad thing.)
Sam T
Bunny’s “The Good Life” series was actually one of my first flash cartoons. Sadly, like most cartoons I worked on during this time, the episode was never finished. (Maybe that isn’t really a bad thing.)
Sam T
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