Sunday, January 29, 2006

Enron vs. Alito

Tomorrow (Jan 30th) Judge Alito will have his final confirmation vote, at the same time the Enron trial begins.

Which story will get the most air time? Which do you think Fox News will discuss endlessly? Which story do you think deserves more coverage?

I think the Enron trial deserves the most coverage, but will probably receive the least. The Enron story is one everyone should know because it shows how “good people” can become corrupted by money and power. These people will say and do anything to keep you from the truth and hurt thousands of people in the process. Sound familiar? (See the movie- Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room)

To me the Alito story is not big news as everyone already knows the Democrats can’t stop his confirmation, so it’s basically a done deal. However, I do think people should be made aware of what kind of judge Alito will be and where he stands on the issues, but that sort of thing is never discussed on the news channels anyway. It’s going to be 24 hour Democrat bashing.

Sam T


LMFAO: Foxhounds_fox_photo_op_ken_lay

Synopsis for Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room DVD