Sunday, January 29, 2006

Enron vs. Alito

Tomorrow (Jan 30th) Judge Alito will have his final confirmation vote, at the same time the Enron trial begins.

Which story will get the most air time? Which do you think Fox News will discuss endlessly? Which story do you think deserves more coverage?

I think the Enron trial deserves the most coverage, but will probably receive the least. The Enron story is one everyone should know because it shows how “good people” can become corrupted by money and power. These people will say and do anything to keep you from the truth and hurt thousands of people in the process. Sound familiar? (See the movie- Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room)

To me the Alito story is not big news as everyone already knows the Democrats can’t stop his confirmation, so it’s basically a done deal. However, I do think people should be made aware of what kind of judge Alito will be and where he stands on the issues, but that sort of thing is never discussed on the news channels anyway. It’s going to be 24 hour Democrat bashing.

Sam T


LMFAO: Foxhounds_fox_photo_op_ken_lay

Synopsis for Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room DVD

Thursday, January 26, 2006

PHP Programmers Needed

I’m currently looking for someone reliable with extensive knowledge of PHP programming and could handle development work for a website on a weekly basis. Pay is negotiable. If you are interested and want more details, please contact me at Also be sure to include a little info about yourself, and some examples of your work (if available). (Must be 18 or older to apply)

Sam T

Monday, January 23, 2006

Weekly Update 43: 2005 in Review

Bunny Bunny looks back at all the major events of the year 2005.

Watch it now!

This episode kicks off a whole new year here at Ebolaworld. Look for many changes this year, including new series, fan-site, games, and DVDs. Up next is an all-new episode of the Linda Show called “Rapture Ready”.

Sam T

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

Based on the book of the same name by Peter Elkin, director Alex Gibney's documentary takes a behind-the-scenes look at the powerful energy company whose downfall forever changed the landscape of the business world. With a blend of fascinating footage, fast-paced interviews and a wealth of information, this film is a serious lesson in the potential trappings of dishonesty and unethical behavior dogging corporate America today. – Netflix Synopsis

Everyone needs to watch this movie. It shows how this company lied endlessly about what they were doing and destroyed and/or attacked those that asked questions or discovered the truth. Sound familiar?

This is required viewing! I want a 2 page report by next Monday!

BTW, the trial is supposed to start at the end of January. I wonder if Fox News will cover it as extensively as they did the Jackson and Martha Stewart trials. Yeah right.

Sam T

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Al Gore's NSA speech

Imagine what America would be like today if Al Gore had won in 2000. The Al Gore Show would have been pretty funny. Anyway, I plead with you to watch this video and/or read the transcript of his speech. It is a truly passionate speech about what is going on in America today. You probably haven’t heard much about this speech since all 3 cable networks ignored it and covered a story about “An overturned tanker truck on a New York highway." instead (however, fox news later bashed Gore's remarks). And they say the media is run by the left wing. HA!


Video (Real Player Required)

WATCH IT!!!!!!! You will be inspired.

Sam T

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Best of Weekly Update DVD: Vol. II

A 2-set DVD is planned for 2006 featuring the following episodes (with commentary):

Update 8: Taco-Man hates S.U.V.’s
January 13th, 2003

Update 11: The Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue
February 10th, 2003

Update 12: The Patriot Act 2.0
February 17th, 2003

Update 15: Taco-Man hates Saddam
April 21st, 2003

Update 16: The Anti-Christ Show
June 23rd, 2003

Update 17: Taco-Man hates the RIAA
August 4th, 2003

Update 18: Taco-Man for Governor
September 18th, 2003

Update 19: Halloween Special 1
October 9th, 2003

Update 20: Anniversary Special 1
November 10th, 2003

Update 22: Happy Political Holidays
December 22nd, 2003

Update 24: 2003 in Review
January 5th, 2004

Update 25: Salad Menu
January 12th, 2004

Update 27: Bush-shit
February 16th, 2004

Update 28: Safer, Stronger…
March 8th, 2004

Update 31: Rush to War
May 17th, 2004

Update 32: The Linda Show
June 7th, 2004

Update 33: Halloween Special 2
October 18th, 2004

Update 34: Change is Bad
November 8th, 2004

Update 35: Anniversary Special 2
November 15th, 2004

Update 37: Snowy the Frostman
December 29th, 2004

Update 38: Right Wing Biased Media
April18th, 2005

Update 39: Hannity and Colmes
June 27th, 2005

Update 40: Night Trap
November 14th, 2005

Update 41: Anniversary Special 3
December 12th, 2005

Update 42: Snowy II: Home for Xmas
December 30th, 2005

Update 43: 2005 in Review
January 23rd, 2006

(More to be announced)


01: Rip-Off
July 14th, 2005

02: Forget About It
July 18th, 2005

03: Writing a Question and You!
August 8th, 2005

04: Oh Lord
September 19th, 2005

(More to be announced)


01: That Darn Memo
June 14th, 2005

02: Explosive Journalism
July 11th, 2005

03: Hot Coffee
July 25th, 2005

04: Hurricane Katrina
September 5th, 2005

(More to be announced)

Do you have questions about any of the episodes listed above you would like answered on the DVD commentary? If so, send them to and I may answer your question and mention your name. (Only questions sent to the posted email will be considered.)

If you have any requests or questions about this DVD please leave a comment.

Keep checking back for more updates!

Sam T

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Guess whose back!

Once again, when Bush is in need, Osama miraculously provides. I’ve been telling my friends for months, that no matter what trouble Bush gets himself into, after the next terrorist attack (even something small as a suicide bomber) all will be forgotten and forgiven. He has an ace up his sleeve, and he knows it.

The Osama speech

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Music Composer Needed

Ebolaworld needs someone who can produce original music/theme songs for future cartoons. The sound should be more instrumental and less like a midi file. If you are interested, please contact me at . Please include a little info about yourself, and some examples of your work.

Sam T

Monday, January 16, 2006

Bush Eavesdropping

What do you guys think about Bush authorizing domestic eavesdropping without court approval? Was it a “power grab” or a necessity to prevent terrorism?

Bush says eavesdropping “helps save lives”

Powell says spying OK, but Bush should’ve got court approval first

Gore calls for special counsel to investigate

My thoughts: Would it have really been that hard for him to get court approval? It looks like he doesn't believe the law applies to him and is seeing what he can get away with. I promise you had this been Clinton, he would have been impeached by now; terrorism or not.

My Hopes: The Democrats take over everything in 06 and 08 and then we'll see what Republicans really think about an all-powerful President! BWHAHAHA! Oh well, I can dream.

Happy Martin Luther King day! I honestly dont understand why we celebrate King and Rosa Parks. If they were to break the law in this manner today, they would be trashed by the media and probably executed. They sure as hell wouldn't be given a holiday. A would like to add, that this is not a put-down of their accomplishments, but a question of why we celebrate what they did when dissent and questioning authority is still frowned upon today. Martin Luther King day shouldn’t just be a celebration of the man, but a reminder that everyone in this country deserves equal rights.

Enough of my rambling.

Sam T

Saturday, January 07, 2006

That's Pat

Click for story...

Let's discuss Pat Robertson shall we?

Friday, January 06, 2006

Mario Kart DS

If you have Mario Kart for the DS and are online add me to your Friends list and let’s start racing! But take it easy on me, I just started playing (and the DS makes my hands cramp after a while).

My Friend Code:


Post your Friend Codes too!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Bush drunk

There he goes again....

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A Guide to Washington Inquiries

With all the scandals in Washington you need a way to keep up. Luckily, the evil (and by evil I mean a newspaper that isn't scared to report the truth) New York Times made a guide. Enjoy!