Friday, November 11, 2005

Support Bush or Die

The day after off-election victories by the Democrats there’s a huge terrorist attack in Jordon on American hotels. Then today Bush gives a speech (resembling a Presidential campaign with the music to boot) rallying support for his war in Iraq claiming those who oppose are hypocrites and distorting the truth. Talk about the Pot calling the Kettle black. Hello...Downing Street Memo?

Why does he care what the Democrats think? Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity say everyday on their radio show the Democratic Party is dead. So, if the Democrats are obsolete why does Bush bother addressing what they say? Why do Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity talk endlessly about Democrats?

It sounds to me like the Democrats are alive and well and opening the eyes of many Americans to the lies and deception of the Right (About damn time). However, Bush supporters shouldn’t worry because after the next terrorist attack in America (possibly Dover, Pa??), Bush will get back his 80% approval rating and all will be okay.

Sam T

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