Sunday, November 27, 2005

The War on Christmas

Now there’s a “War on Christmas”, but mostly on the Fox News Channel. This “news” story comes tied in with Fox News Anchor John Gibson’s new book conveniently titled “The War on Christmas”. Hmmm.

Its funny how Mr. Gibson refers to this holiday as sacred even though his people have allowed it to become a commercialized mound of pulp, in which it's only purpose is to sell crap merchandise and keep our economy afloat.

Watch this Video

The Book

Friday, November 25, 2005

Silly Christians

As if someone is demanding Christians stop praying. The only thing the ACLU tries to prevent is mandatory prayer at public schools and social events. However, I would like to see this kid attempt to pray on a freeway. :)

Sam T

Join the ACLU

Sunday, November 20, 2005

No Exit Plan

Monday, November 14, 2005

Weekly Update 40: Night Trap

Watch it Now!

Cartoon not working? Get Flash Player 8

Older, slower computers may suffer audio sync problems. To fix this, right click on the movie and set the quality setting to LOW. Also, be sure not to run any other programs while watching the cartoon.

Sam T

Friday, November 11, 2005

Support Bush or Die

The day after off-election victories by the Democrats there’s a huge terrorist attack in Jordon on American hotels. Then today Bush gives a speech (resembling a Presidential campaign with the music to boot) rallying support for his war in Iraq claiming those who oppose are hypocrites and distorting the truth. Talk about the Pot calling the Kettle black. Hello...Downing Street Memo?

Why does he care what the Democrats think? Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity say everyday on their radio show the Democratic Party is dead. So, if the Democrats are obsolete why does Bush bother addressing what they say? Why do Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity talk endlessly about Democrats?

It sounds to me like the Democrats are alive and well and opening the eyes of many Americans to the lies and deception of the Right (About damn time). However, Bush supporters shouldn’t worry because after the next terrorist attack in America (possibly Dover, Pa??), Bush will get back his 80% approval rating and all will be okay.

Sam T

Read Article

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Pat Robertson Threatens Pa. Town

When Pat gets sick does he pray to God instead of visiting a doctor? But seriously, his statement about “If there is a disaster in your area…” should be taken as a terrorist threat. He is a wealthy man and could easily make it happen.

Read the Article (Be sure to watch the video!)

Sam T

"Doctor, my heart is attacking me. / Well, it must be haunted. / What do I do? / Pray." – Randi Rhodes (on the Kansas School Board)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Change in the wind?

After yesterday’s off-elections, it looks like the Democratic Party cleaned up nicely. Republican candidates who aligned themselves with Bush fell to defeat in Virginia and New Jersey. Bush's last-minute personal campaigning in Virginia sealed the Republican candidate's defeat. Could this be a taste of things to come?

Not surprisingly, Rush Limbaugh thinks yesterday’s election results have nothing to do with Bush, simply because he wasn’t on the ballot. However, Rush had no problem associating other mid-term and off-term democratic losses with Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Elections Are Test for Democrats, Not Bush

My E-Mail to Rush:


You had no problem claiming Clinton and Gore’s support for
Democratic candidates caused them to lose mid-term and off-year elections, so why doesn’t this same “logic” apply to Bush?

See you in 2006 when the Democrats stomp your guys again.

Keep shining that turd,
Sam T

Email Rush your thoughts at:

If you do decide to let Rush know what you think, make sure you write intelligently and not resort to name calling and other childish behavior, otherwise you’ll only result in proving his ill-conceived thoughts about those who oppose the Bush Administration.

Sam T

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Question of the Week

What do you think about the new Ebolaworld opening?

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Shadow of the Colossus

If you have a PS2, I’d highly recommend you play this game as it’s one of the most original games in a while. Because it’s on the aging PS2 the graphics do suffer some slow down, but are cleverly masked by a neat blur affect. What I like most about this game is there’s no drawn out video sequences, no item collecting, no endless smaller enemies to fight, and no any pesky fetch quests. It’s all about finding 16 unique giants and figuring out how to take them down with your trusty bow and sword. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best.