Friday, July 22, 2005

Cat and Fish in Animation Magazine!

The results are in for the 2005 Animation Magazine Pitch Party. The judges gave my Cat vs. Fish ad 3rd place out of 35 entries. Not too shabby! This was my first animation contest and it was solely based on the ad and not the actual cartoon.

Here is the write up from the August, 2005 Animation Magazine: "You’ve got to praise Sam for taking on such a classic toon premise- cats and fish (sic) have been tormenting each other since the early days of animation- and giving us something fresh and fantastic looking. Our judges felt that the pitch was strong enough to carry a show and they also loved the positioning of the central characters in the ad space. Sam promises us “hilarious, diabolical rivalry with a twist.” One look at the bright colors and the strong character lines, and we just know Sam won’t let us down in the future!"

Here are the judges that picked my cartoon as their favorite:

Ellen Goldmith-
The Gotham Group

Helen McAleer-
Deputy Managin Director
Children’s BBC

Irene Weibel-
VP of Educational Development

I notice only one judge picked the 2nd place winner as their favorite. So exactly how did it place 2nd?!? Oh well… there is always next year.

The Cat vs. Fish ad also won 2nd place in the Animation Magazine Staff Pick and 1st place in the Online Viewer Pick! What an honor! After all, what the audience likes is all that matters in the end.

Sam T

PS- If you wondering why it’s called Cat VS Fish, it’s because I thought it would be more understanding since it was just an ad. I kind of like the new name. What do you think?