I've neglected my own website long enough and have finally made some changes. I've replaced the series images with titles to make it easier to browse. I'm currently working on moving all missing content to the archives. So ignore the errors you may receive for now. :P
As of now, these are the only remaining series:1. Taco-Man the Game Master
2. Taco-Man Plays a Video Game (This may be moved else where soon)
3. The Stupid Adventures of Taco-Man (This may be replaced soon)
4. Ask Taco-Man
5. Unbelievably Messed-Up Bible Stories
6. Life in the Portal
7. Snowy the Frostman
8. The Good Life (It's not dead yet!)
I do plan to resurrect the Linda Show, but consider everything else as canceled.
Believe it or not, but I've also added some new logo animations, so be sure to check that out!
PS- The new site won't be ready for many more months as I'm crazy busy, so these small changes will have to do for now. I may even create some new Ebolaworld logo animations and do a little redesigning. Stay tuned!