Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dubya-Doo: Return of the Neo-Con

The new cartoon is now available for everyone to view! Watch it now!

Monday, July 16, 2007

PHP Programmer Needed

Sam T Productions is in need of a good PHP Programmer for a paying position. Please contact me at sam@ebolaworld.com if you would like to apply. Be sure to include a resume, and some examples of your work. You must be 18 or older.

Sam T

Best Cartoon of 2006 Results

Wow. The results for the poll were very interesting. It seems as though you guys prefered the lastest installment of the Snowy series over everything else. A close runner up was the always popular Awards Show. Sadly, Bunny's 2005 in Review received no votes. Haha. Poor Bunny.

Click image for a larger view.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Ebolaworld Live!

You can now watch me live on streaming video creating Ebolaworld cartoons. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks goes to Jeffrey for this find.

Also, be sure to visit http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ebolaworld-live and chat with me live while I'm on the air.

Sam T

Friday, July 13, 2007

Ebolaworld Projects

Keep up to date with all of the Ebolaworld projects by visiting the Tumblr page.

Currently working on: The New Dubya-Doo Movies: Return of the Neo-Con

Be sure to subscribe to the tumblr page and the blog!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bush Unveils New Press Room

This is some pretty funny stuff. I love the very last line the most. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

jeffrey. stalker friendly. ep. 2

Did you just ask for another dose of Jeffrey!? Ohhh, I think you did. I'm back with another episode of jeffrey. stalker friendly. Email me at funckychicken2468@gmail.com and ask questions or suggest topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. Enjoy...

not TOO much.


Monday, July 09, 2007

New Poll: Best Cartoon of 2006

You can now vote for the Ebolaworld cartoon you liked the best in 2006. Next to each entry is a window icon that allows you to watch all of the nominees. Have fun and look for the winner to be announced on July 16th! To vote, visit the ebolaworld main page and click the vote icon on top.

Also, Last weeks poll winner was: SWF! You can see all previous poll winners on the polls page.

Mormon Cartoon


Thursday, July 05, 2007

Ebolaworld Features

I’ve been brainstorming over the past couple of months about new features that would keep you guys coming back to Ebolaworld on a regular basis. As a result, I have added weekly polls, and a fan-art gallery. So, now I am asking you the viewers, what other features would you like to see implemented that would give you a reason to keep coming back more often? I understand the obvious answer will be more cartoons, but I have already come to the conclusion that a weekly cartoon isn’t possible for me to produce at the moment, but I am looking into how to make it a reality.

Sam T

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Read a Book @#&%!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Which Flash Movie Format Do You Prefer?

Here's your chance to let me know which you prefer Ebolaworld to use.


For those of you that don't know what the difference is, let me explain. SWF is the flash movie format that I have always used. FLV is the new flash video format that I used for the new 'Good Life' episode.

SWF is small in size (usually around 4-6 megs), and has clean vector graphics, but may play choppy on most computers, and forces you to download the entire movie before viewing.

FLV is huge in size (usually around 100 - 300 megs), and has digitized graphics, but plays smoother on most computers, and allows you to stream the animation with little to no load time.

To vote, enter the main page and click the vote icon on top. Have fun!

Sam T

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Vote for the Next Cartoon Results

It was a nail biter, but the winner of the first Ebolaworld Poll was:

It’s interesting to see what you guys want, and the three most popular were Dubya-Doo, Bible Stories: Cain and Able, and the Linda Show: Wal-Mart. So, as a result, I plan to make those cartoons. The scripts for Dubya Doo and Bible Stories: Cain and Able have already been written, and I feel as though the Bible Stories one is ready to go, but Dubya Doo needs a bit more work.

So to recap, expect a new Dubya-Doo in the next month, followed by a new Bible Stories, and Linda Show. Thanks again to everyone that voted. More polls are coming soon!

Sam T

Fan Image Gallery

Over the past few years, I have received quite a lot of fan art and images, and I've finally decided to create a page to display them all (well, not ALL of them). To see it, simply go to the Ebolaworld mainpage and click the camera icon on top. If you would like to have your ebolaworld related image added, email it to fanart@ebolaworld.com!