Saturday, July 29, 2006

Republicans Are Evil...

Republicans muscled the first minimum wage increase in a decade through the House early Saturday after pairing it with a cut in inheritance taxes on multimillion-dollar estates.

The maneuver was aimed at defusing the minimum wage increase as a campaign issue for Democrats while using the popularity of the increase to achieve the Republican Party's longtime goal of permanently cutting estate taxes.

"Just think of what it is to have a bill that says to minimum wage workers, 'We'll raise your minimum wage but only if we can give an estate tax cut to the 7,500 wealthiest families in America,'" said Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Cat and Fish Returns

For all you Cat and Fish fans, you’ll be happy to hear that the series has been picked up for 2 – 3 more episodes this year by the private website The site is a Web-based educational program that is used in schools across the country and already hosts several of the older Cat and Fish episodes.

All new episodes will also be featured on Ebolaworld!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Ask Taco-Man: Tips for a Flash Artist

Watch It!

The long awaited new episode of Ask Taco-Man is here with tips for a flash artist. If you still want to become a flash artist after watching this episode, then you should probably watch it again.

As the new episode points out, you’re obviously wondering “When is the next cartoon coming out?” The answer is: in two weeks… or more. I’m currently working on episode one of a brand new series. I won’t say what it is just yet, but it will be very religious! I’ve said too much. I’m also working on revamping the entire website and brand new DVDs!

Sam T

Monday, July 03, 2006

The Internet is STILL in Trouble

The senate just recently said “No” to the Net Neutrality amendment that would keep the internet out of the hands of corporations. Surprised?! Don’t be. Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) doesn’t even understand what the internet is. He explained that it is a set of tubes and believes it took 5 days for him to receive an email “Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the internet commercially."

Be afraid, very afraid.

Read More…

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Second Half of 2006

We are past the halfway point for 2006 (amazing) and I was reflecting today on all the cartoons I’ve made so far this year.

Y601 2005 In Review
Y602 News Flash: Muhammad Madness
Y603 The Linda Show: Rapture Ready
Y604 News Flash: Scandals
Y605 President Beavis
Y606 Awards Show: The Red Carpet
Y607 Awards Show: Back to the Past
Y608 Awards Show: Do You Remember?
Y609 Awards Show: Life's a Flash Movie
Y610 News Flash: Brainless
Y611 Ask Taco-Man: Tips for a Flash Artist (Coming 7/17/06)

After the new Ask Taco-Man episode, I was thinking about what to make next. My plans so far are to kick off a new series (not saying what yet), restart the George Bush Show (with new title and characters) and The Good Life (Bunny Bunny’s old series), and lastly make new episodes for all the other series (even Cat and Fish… gasp!).

What would you guys like to see for the second half of 2006??